Blue dress 3


I was born in Bangalore, India, spent my early childhood in Mumbai and have since been in Sydney, Australia.  Oh, except for that mad stint in London where I grew in leaps and bounds, gallivanted around Europe and generally became more me.

I’m Indian and I’m Australian, all at the same time.  Sometimes a little bit more of one than the other.

I think food is one of the highlights of life.  A good meal is right up there, if not better than a good night’s sleep.

It’s almost, almost better than puppies.  Speaking of puppies, I get to play with them all day.

I’m a vet by day and while I love being all sciency and healing things, I have an artistic streak that needs nurturing.

What else?

I love chocolate……dark is best but I don’t discriminate.  The meltier the better.

Also, other ‘Ch’ things…….cheese, cherries and champagne.

I think fluffy white clouds make a blue sky so much more impressive.

I sing in the car, the bathroom and sometimes in surgery.  The nurses love it, they do.

I drink my coffee cold, but it must start off hot.

I don’t like papaya, liquorice or green capsicums.

Oh, and I could drown happily in the scent of Jasmine, Gardenias or Freesias.  Lilies are lovely too……and tuberose.

Lavender, on the other hand? Makes me angry

I don’t mind if you use my work, but just credit me and link back to here. OK? Ok.

If you want to use any of my photos, just ask me first.  I’ll probably say yes and it’ll probably make my day.

If you want to work with me, that’ll probably make my month.

Either way, you can get me at

Disclosure Statement: I sometimes do sponsored posts, product or cookbook reviews or accept invitations to restaurants or foodie events.  When these end up in a blog post, full disclosure will be made in the post.

Right here? It’s my happy place.  I am over the moon to see you here.  Please do drop me a line in the comment box or on email.  Or send me a carrier pigeon, smoke signal, tweet me (@onesmallpot), instagram (@onesmallpot), whatever.

Do stick around, this space is more than big enough for all of us.


This is Cookie.  He really doesn't contribute much in the way of recipes but I keep him around as he has a flair for graphic design.
This is Cookie the pooch. He really doesn’t contribute much in the way of recipes but I keep him around as he has a flair for graphic design.


54 thoughts on “About me & Contact

  1. What a lovely website and I love your writing. It is witty and charming! Im going to be a regular visitor and I hope you keep this up.

  2. Deepa!
    So amazing that we should reconnect on a food blog! I have one too!! And im going ballistic to have found out another one in the family..
    Welcome to the foodie gang 🙂

  3. Deeps, this is really nice. Cant wait to try out all your recipes. Good stuff babe. Well done

  4. I’m so happy I stumbled upon your blog. I love your writing style and your photography is, quite simply, jealousy-inducing. I’m looking forward to trying out some of your recipes! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! What lovely feedback. Just getting the hang of the photography thing now actually. Do let me know if you try any out and how they went.

  5. Thank you for what I can only describe as sheer entertainment! I came across your blog this morning through your comment on Scandi Foodie…intrigued by ‘one small pot’ I clicked on, being a Balmain girl & a raw, vegan foodie I was very excited to read about the new raw food cafe in Rozelle. I have giggled my way through several of your posts this afternoon & now I’m heading off to the kitchen to make those balls! 🙂

    1. Hi Rob! I mostly use a Nikon D7100 with a prime 50mm f2.8 lens, handheld using natural light only. Sometimes I use my Nikon D50 with the same lens.

    1. Thanks so much Anjali! And I’m sorry about the apallingly late reply. I have had a lot on my (metaphorical) plate but will def have a close look at this soon. Thank you and I appreciate the nomination!

  6. Hello Deepa! WordPress suggested that I follow you so, being the obedient kind, I had to stop over! So glad that I did. You write so well and your creations are mouthwatering! I do hope that you’ve had a fantastic start to the new year. I look forward to being inspired by your recipes and stories 🙂 x

    1. Hi Laura! Yes its really best to do what we’re told sometimes 🙂 Lovely of you to drop in with such sweet comments. Have had a bit of a peek at your blog and it looks beautiful. Will be back for more 🙂

  7. Hi Deepa,nice to see the recipes with awesome pics,I hopped into ur space from Nag’s blog.Happy to see your space and love the recipes here.

  8. Delicious and yummy recipes here.i hopped here through Nags space.lovely writeups here and also recipes too

  9. Love your blog Deepa! I am so glad I stumbled upon it recently. You write beautifully and straight from the heart.

  10. Hello, I found you through your recipe for green mango and coconut rice. I live in tropical north Australia, and my old and decrepit mango tree is always giving me mini green ones instead of luscious golden ones. Time, I thought, to do something with it. And then I saw your GF chocolate cardamom brownies, and being coeliac, I fell in love, so I thought I’d better follow you! I love how your authentic ‘voice’ comes through in your writing; it sounds as if we’re having a conversation.

    1. Hi Kate! Thanks for your lovely words and I’m kinda envious of that mango tree! There are a few GF recipes here….although I can eat gluten, I enjoy the challenge:)

  11. Hello, I chanced upon your blog recently when my aunt mentioned you in some other connection. I must say, I haven’t read anything so cheerful and lovely in the recent past. I absolutely loved how you described yourself 🙂 I can only imagine how much happiness and joy you spread wherever you go 🙂
    I’m a vet and vegan too, so reading this excited me so much! I would like to get in touch with you, when you aren’t busy! Best wishes 🙂

So tell me.....